Polymer concrete may be used for new construction or repairing of old concrete. The adhesive properties of polymer concrete allow repair of both polymer and conventional cement-based concretes. Disadvantages of Polymer Concrete Polymer concrete is very expensive than a conventional concrete. Polymer concrete needs high skill and precise work while mixing. Improper proportioning of two-component materials can occur; thus, the proper mix design is required. Polymer concrete is prepared by mixing a polymeric resin with aggregate mixture. Microfillers are also employed sometimes to fill the voids contained in the aggregate mixture. ], and gravel are some of the materials reported by various authors. SikaTop®-144 is a polymer-modified, two-component, cementitious coating. Designed for use on concrete, mortar, and masonry substrates. Easily applied by brush, roller, or spray equipment. This fine-textured, abrasion resistant coating is used for protection against deicing salts and for d...